Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:24 pm

I think it's funny when polies of whatever persuasion decry populism, because all they're doing is exposing their hypocritical ineptitude.
Politics is a game of popularity ... populism.

The reason populism has and is gaining popularity is because the ideas/rationales/proposals expressed appeal to common sense.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by Fred » Sat Nov 23, 2019 9:10 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:24 pm
I think it's funny when polies of whatever persuasion decry populism, because all they're doing is exposing their hypocritical ineptitude.
Politics is a game of popularity ... populism.
Hi Yogi. I say yeah nah. Yes it is about being popular, but the policy should not be populist.

Yeah… due to the mentality our/my generation has created, the self-interest society, populist yet destructive policy has become the creator of kings (or Prime Ministers). The desire to have it all over our parents has created a situation where the politicians can promise to give us what we want and create policy in that manner while trying to balance the budget.

Clearly, populist policy is the tool of the completely maladroitness.

Nah, Politicians (or decent politicians) should be able to show the policies (right or wrong) are the best solution for the people. Should be able to show how these policies work and how they affect the people and country with reasonable trust. Clearly, politicians cannot be trusted as they just placate the idealism of the people…
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:24 pm
The reason populism has and is gaining popularity is because the ideas/rationales/proposals expressed appeal to common sense.
selfishness, I would suggest.

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brian ross
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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by brian ross » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:29 pm

What is always right, is not always popular. What is popular is not always right. It seems some people believe that racism/sectarianism/discrimination/hatred is correct. It might have been in Nazi Germany but the rest of the world proved to the Nazis just how unpopular their views actually were. :roll
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Black Orchid
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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:48 pm

All of those words have been abused beyond recognition by people like you and to the point that they carry no value anymore.

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brian ross
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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by brian ross » Sun Nov 24, 2019 4:35 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:48 pm
All of those words have been abused beyond recognition by people like you and to the point that they carry no value anymore.
How is correctly identifying what a person's argument is, "abusing" a word, Black Orchid? You make a statement that is based on "racism/sectarianism/discrimination/hatred", who is to blame for me identifying it for what it is?

Time to grow up and own up to what you're saying, Black Orchid. When someone calls me a "Leftist" do I shy away? Nope. When they call me a "Communist" - I explain their error. When someone calls me a "Socialist" I commend them on their perception. I don't run away from such words, I use them to form a conversation with my critics. You, OTOH, run a million miles away and accuse me of "abusing" words... :roll
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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by Bogan » Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:41 pm

As these quotes clearly display, Brian. You are a white hating racist. Yet you run away from that essential truth because it does not conform to your contrived pose as an anti racist of impeccable morality.

Brian Ross wrote these quotes

So? Are you claiming that Australians weren't Xenophobic, John?
I don't detest Americans. In fact I quite like them. They provide me with endless hours of amusement and I actually believe they have considerable potential, once they shed their arrogance to be sensible people.
Many Americans have insufferable hubris and almost completely lack empathy for any point of view other than their own. Their ignorance about any other society is another annoying feature. Their belief in exceptionalism of course is rather annoying as well. Oh, and their propensity for electing fools to lead them but perhaps that's a symptom of the previous points?
Ever been to India, John-boy (to continue in your vein of southern redneckism)?
The first wave of Americans were welcomed in Brisbane but the latter waves weren't. They brought their usual hubris and arrogance, John. The result was the "Battle of Brisbane" or didn't your mother tell you about that. The usual comment was "Over-paid, over-sexed and over here."
Everytime I lift up a rock I find a lot of slaters underneath which hate the light being shone on their activities and that is how I feel often about the US Government and many Americans.
You put three Jews in a room and you'll get four opinions. You put three Muslims in a room and you'll have a schism followed by a civil war. You put three Christians in a room and they'll be playing "pass the parcel" faster than you can blink an eye.
Perhaps, if "Whitey" wasn't around, they wouldn't have many of those problems to contend with, F & N. Bit of a chicken and egg issue, really - which came first? Black peoples' inadequacies or "Whitey's" imperialism which created those inadequacies?

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brian ross
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Re: Far right's poor leadership saved Australia from outbreak of populism

Post by brian ross » Sun Nov 24, 2019 10:22 pm


And your evidence that I wrote those quotes is, what, Bogan? Mmmm?

Run along, little man, peddle your hate somewhere else... :roll
Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism. - Eric Blair

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