The Stolen Generations

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Re: The Stolen Generations

Post by sprintcyclist » Sat Sep 14, 2019 4:11 am

Valkie wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 7:29 pm

............ Bywannnnnnn is really getting worked up

Multiple 'deary deary me's' ...............
Right Wing is the Natural Progression.

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Re: The Stolen Generations

Post by Valkie » Sun Sep 15, 2019 8:56 am

brian ross wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:22 pm
sprintcyclist wrote:
Fri Sep 13, 2019 3:08 pm
They weren't stolen, they were liberated.
Liberated from whom? Their rightful parents? Tell me, would you give your kids up to the Government if they came a'callin' for them, Sprint? :roll:
From parents who were too drunk to look after them.
Parents who raped them
Parents who could or would not provide for them.

Many whites lose their kids for the above reasons, but it's not all screaming some rubbish about stolen generations, it's so that the kids can live better lives.

Aboriginals have the largest demographic of Pedophelia, very few female children are virgins beyond 10.
Aboriginals live, by their own choice, in slums that they do not look after or maintain.
Aboriginals have an extremely high absenteeism in schools, even with all the billions thrown at them to get them to go.
Aboriginals have the highest unemployment rate of any demographic in Australia, despite the billions thrown at them to help them. The aboriginal employment rate is less than the Australian unemployment rate.

Aboriginals are predominantly lazy, they have been led to think they are somehow privileged and they have no concept of giving, always taking.

The free ride needs to be put to a stop.
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A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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Re: The Stolen Generations

Post by Bogan » Sun Sep 15, 2019 10:26 am

Validation for Valkie, and for my premise that an unknown proportion of the $33 billion spent every year is on public service "administration" which does little more than provide jobs for idiots who dream up expensive pipe dream programs to alleviate the appalling aboriginal condition, which appear to have a very high failure rate.
The Rudd Labor government instituted the Remote Jobs and Communities Program to alleviate the high levels of chronic unemployment by remote area aborigines. It was not that there was no work to do in these communities, but all the work was being done by fly in/fly out white workers who did whatever was necessary, from building new homes, repairing old homes, and maintaining power and water services.

The $1.5 billion dollar program has been an abject failure. Only 30% of the 37,000 aboriginal people on unemployment even bothered to apply for the program, which involved contracted "Providers" in each of 60 declared "remote" regions, who's job was to work with individuals, communities, and local employers to find jobs for aborigines.

The costings reveal that an incredible $430,000 thousand dollars was spent by the program to place each aboriginal worker in a job which lasted more than six months. And only 30% of those jobs involved "structured work with mutual obligations." Exactly what this bureaucratic diseased English quote means, is anybodies guess. But I opine that it means that 70% of the jobs bought for $430,000 dollars by the Aussie taxpayer involved nothing more than the candidate picking up litter from around his community, if he or she felt like it.
Here is another example that validates Valkie's assertion that aboriginal children do not want to go the school.
Government to recruit truancy officers in Indigenous communities to improve school attendance

The Federal Government will recruit about 400 truancy officers to improve school attendance in remote Aboriginal communities.
Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion says $28 million will be spent targeting 40 remote communities across the Northern Territory, Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and South Australia.

The program will cover more than 40 schools and there will be one school attendance officer employed for every 20 students.
Over the past five years the schools have had attendance rates below 70 per cent. The officers will work directly with families to get children to school. It is believed they will go to homes each day to persuade children to go to school. The Government hopes to attract Indigenous workers to the scheme.
The NT government spends 66% of it's education budget educating 33% of students who are "indigenous" for a 90% failure rate in NAPLAN testing. How does the Left plan to act on this appalling fact? Simple. First ban NAPLAN testing so that nobody knows what a giant waste of money it is educating full blooded aboriginal children in remote communities. Second, aboriginal activists regard this inconvenient fact as proof that not enough money is being spent "closing the gap." They can then run around pointing out how bad aboriginal literacy and numeracy rates are and then accuse the government of not spending enough money. They sell this idiocy to those people in the public who are gullible to believe it. And the activists are supported by the public service who have a vested interest in wasting immense amounts of taxpayer money on themselves.

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