Chile quake moved city 3m to the west

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Jovial Monk2

Chile quake moved city 3m to the west

Post by Jovial Monk2 » Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:58 am

Chile quake moved city 3 metres west

Posted 1 hour 25 minutes ago
The Chile quake was the fifth most powerful recorded to date

The massive earthquake which struck the west coast of Chile last month moved the entire city of Concepcion more than three metres to the west, scientists say.

Preliminary measurements drawn from global positioning stations showed that Concepcion, Chile's second largest city, is now 3.04m further west than it was prior to the 8.8-magnitude quake which struck February 27.

It was the fifth most powerful quake recorded since instruments have been available to measure seismic shifts and there have been hundreds of aftershocks, several exceeding magnitude 6.0.

The Chilean capital of Santiago also shifted 27.7 centimetres to the west, according to measurements gathered by a team of Chilean and US scientists and released by Ohio State University.

On South America's east coast, Argentina's capital, Buenos Aires, moved nearly 4cm to the west and significant displacements were recorded as far away as the Falkland Islands. ... tion=world

3 metres, 10' is a LOT when a whole fucking city is involved!

Also, less than a thousand dead in this fifth-biggest quake recorded. So, obviously buildings were soundly constructed to earthquake-proof design. Compare this to the Chinese quake, corrupt Party officials had allowed buildings (esp schools) to be very shoddily built. Poor old Haiti of course buildings were just put up whichever way possible.

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