krudd censured by the senate

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krudd censured by the senate

Post by sprintcyclist » Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:01 am

The federal government has been censured by the Senate for failing to adequately deliver climate change programs.

The coalition and all seven cross-bench senators teamed up on Tuesday to reprimand Labor over its mismanagement of the home insulation, green loans and solar rebate schemes.

In moving the censure motion, Australian Greens leader Bob Brown said there had also been "gross and systemic failure" in the government's renewable remote power generation program and renewable energy target.

"The use of the censure, I can assure senators, is not taken by me - after 24 years parliamentary experience - lightly at all," he told parliament.

"However we are, as a nation, witnessing one of the most gross episodes of mishandling of the public money and the public trust in recent governments history."

Senator Brown said it was the first time the Senate had formally censured the government since 2005.

Opposition junior climate spokesman Simon Birmingham said the bungled initiatives had squandered hundreds of millions of dollars and devastated the lives of some Australians.

Labor's $2.45 billion home insulation program has already been linked with the deaths of four installers, 93 house fires, and an estimated 1000 electrified roofs.

"The censure component of this motion ... is commanding the support of the opposition," he said.

"It identifies very clearly failure across a number of programs that this government has sought to implement." ... ,16485721]
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