Never forget!

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Oliver Nickezoff

Re: Never forget!

Post by Oliver Nickezoff » Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:37 pm

The kid who programmed the Frogen WaffleGeneratorbot and unleashed it on the internet has a lot to answer for

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JW Frogen
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Re: Never forget!

Post by JW Frogen » Sat Sep 20, 2008 2:53 pm

And still nothing real said about Al Qeada or the time or our times, it is, as I have said, always about you.

Narcissus is the real God of the Left.

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Re: Never forget!

Post by Hebe » Sat Sep 20, 2008 4:46 pm

Better than Mammon. Or Ares.

And Narcissus wasn't actually a god Frogen. Although I think he might have thought he was Aphrodite.
The better I get to know people, the more I find myself loving dogs.

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JW Frogen
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Re: Never forget!

Post by JW Frogen » Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:53 am

I don’t think in relation to the subject, Al Qeada, it is.

The self absorption on the left such as blaming the Democratic West for a phenomenon internally driven by religious and ideological demands, the complete nihilism of the Left on say an issue like Iraq, where a democratically elected government with the support of most Iraqis asks us to stay, and the Left says ‘no, this is all about us, we are leaving so we can say the word peace” is not a better option than mammon or Ares.

Though I hardly believe in worshiping them, (GOD transcends both ego, the small god of the Left or wealth and power, the small god of the Right) both Ares and mammon have historically necessary for civilizations to even survive. When civilsations turn in on themselves and believe they are the center of the world, such as China did in the 14th century, they stagnate and become the victims of other civilizations who do seek to compete and engage the world, yes most often economically or militarily.

This is my fundamental criticism of the far Left that they can never move beyond a personal-emotive need when evaluating a phenomenon like Al Qeada and seek to understand it on it’s own terms.

This not just true concerning an unimportant Internet forum but is even an affliction crippling the intellects of Leftist intellectuals, such as Gore Vidal or Chomsky. They see organizations such as Al Qeada as solely reactionary to Western actions and can never really evaluate them on their own terms.

It is a bizarre contradiction that the self-proclaimed anti imperialists have the most intellectually imperialist attitude when writing or talking of non Western cultures.

It is always about us, what they say really does not matter.

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