Opposition to oppose Telstra split up

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Jovial Monk

Opposition to oppose Telstra split up

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:42 pm

Do they have a deathwish? Serious question!

Telstra is the company everyone wants to hate!

Beyond that tho, the opportunities provided by the NBN will end up helping long-suffering Telstra shareholders (I will buy some Telstra shares soon, they are going to soar!) move solidly into the black. But only if the wholesale and retail arms are split.

And the Oppn is opposing this? Rocks in their head!

Jovial Monk

Re: Opposition to oppose Telstra split up

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:47 pm

Oppn, besides dog whistles on the poor old boatpeople the Oppn has been asking stupid questions on the NBN. Albo, Tanner and now Swan are on fire answering these stupid questions!


Re: Opposition to oppose Telstra split up

Post by Lefteee » Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:03 pm

The sale of telstra was a pointless waste. Privatising the former public communications monopoly holus bolus ignored all conventional wisdom about the dangers of huge privately held monopolies. While pro-privatisation fucksticks crowed about how much better it would perform now that "has had the millstone of public ownership taken from around it's neck", they gave not two fucks about what the entity was actually supposed to deliver - they were salivating over the prospects of juicy big shareholder returns. It brought no net benefit to the country and not even to the shareholders - the share price performed worse overall! The little grub of a CEO stuffed his pockets with bonuses and then fucked back off to where he came from, leaving a mess.

The most galling thing was when Johnny Howard offered everyone the chance to buy shares in it - what the fuck??!! I was being offered the chance to buy back what I had already owned.

Fuck neo-liberalism.

Jovial Monk

Re: Opposition to oppose Telstra split up

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Oct 22, 2009 9:30 am

yup fuck neoliberalism and buy some Telstra shares to reap huge benefits in 5-10 years when the NBN is roaring along at 2G and Deepshit is playing with a 25mbs wireless toy. And something else :mrgreen:

Jovial Monk

Re: Opposition to oppose Telstra split up

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:36 am

I could be persuaded to help split Telstra: Joyce
October 22, 2009

THE Nationals may come to the Government's rescue in its push to split Telstra, with the party's senate leader, Barnaby Joyce, expressing support for the objective of the legislation.

The Government's new option emerged as the Finance Minister, Lindsay Tanner, urged Telstra investors who have been vocal in their objections to the plans to ''look at the total picture''.

A decision by the Coalition partyroom on Tuesday to oppose the bill unless a series of drastic series of amendments were agreed to was undermined by Senator Joyce yesterday when he indicated he was open to supporting the bill to force Telstra to split its retail and wholesale arms.

''I've always believed that structural separation was the preferable place to be,'' Senator Joyce told BusinessDay.
http://www.theage.com.au/business/i-cou ... -h93a.html

With friends like that Truffles must be thinking he doesn't need enemies.

Typical agrarian socialist behavior tho.

(hehehe for Annielaurie: Mr Turnbull is opposition Leader, like Minority Leader. Being rich as Croesus he got nicknamed Truffles :) :) He tried to make out he was poor as a youth "My father had to rent a flat" yup, in Vaucluse, richest part of Sydney. You did it tough Truffles :) )

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