Multiculti fails again!

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Multiculti fails again!

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:12 pm

How many times must this policy of the prog left and vested interest groups fail before both sides of politics abandon it?
Open borders crack the EU melting pot
Jennifer Oriel
The Australian
January 13, 2016 12:00AM|

Europe ushered in 2015 by opening borders. It entered 2016 with the mass sexual assault of women by asylum-seekers and illegal ­immigrants. The ideal of multi­culturalism has never been more assailed by the reality of its failings. Yet in the absence of workable alternatives, political leaders continue to promote multiculturalism as the best policy for cultural diversity in open societies. By doing so, they threaten the prospect of pluralism in the West — and beyond.

Multiculturalism is a policy and only one approach to promoting pluralism. But in the West, it has become shorthand for diversity itself. To be for multiculturalism means being pro-diversity, an advocate of open society, and fashionably cosmopolitan where it matters. To question multiculturalism is to cast oneself down into the pit of modern society, somewhere between Mussolini’s ghost and the tobacco-chewing rednecks of the Antebellum South. When public debate is framed in such extreme terms, there is little room for reality and the vital checks it offers to runaway idealism.

The horrific assaults of women across Europe on New Year’s Eve are a consequence of malformed multicultural policy that promotes cultural relativism over ­empirical reality, the denigration of Western culture in favour of all others and the disavowal of differences between world civilisations. The solution to cultural differences is posited as political; open the borders and they will come, offer social democracy and they will ­integrate, teach Enlightenment and liberalism will flourish. Never have idealists set so much stock in a single policy than socialist and liberal internationalists have placed in the promise of multiculturalism to enlighten humanity.

The rise of jihadism as a European condition threatened the multicultural ideal, but the mass violence on New Year’s Eve committed by asylum-seekers welcomed through open borders has shattered the dream. Political leaders must reckon with reality if cultural plurality is to survive the aftershock.

Mob violence including mass sexual assaults of women and girls marred New Year’s Eve celebrations across Germany, Sweden and Finland. In a southern German town, two teenage girls were allegedly gang-raped by four men from Syria. The suspects include a refugee granted asylum in Germany. Over 500 complaints have been filed with police following the mass assault of women and girls in Cologne. Forty per cent of cases involve sexual assault and police report that most suspects are asylum-seekers and illegal ­immi­grants from North Africa.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel counts among Europe’s most outspoken advocates of multicultural and open border policy. She refused to correct her stance on porous borders despite evidence that Islamic State was exploiting it to import jihadists into Europe, some of whom were implicated in the Black Friday terrorist attacks on Paris. Along with other European Union elites, Merkel has reprimanded heads of state who reject open border policy such as Hungary’s Viktor Orban. It is not the first time Merkel has conducted a high risk experiment in social policy and failed. In 2010, she was forced to admit error in her uncritical ­acceptance of multiculturalism as an ideal and policy of the state. Yet her pragmatic correction soon gave way to unbridled optimism on open borders.

Multicultural and open border policies have remained in place even as they ushered in political Islam and jihadism as a feature of Western life. Despite issuing public equivocations after each jihadist attack on citizens, political elites continue to indulge an ­uncritical acceptance of multiculturalism as a corollary of open ­societies. The optimism arises from the origins of the idea and a lack of political alternatives.

The first state leader to institute a national policy of multiculturalism was Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. Multiculturalism was introduced to ­advance a particular idea of cultural diversity that held that cultural identity was separable from country of origin, all cultures were of equal worth and less populous ethnic groups required state ­support to sustain their distinc­­tive identities.

Western countries, including Australia, imported Trudeau’s policy prescription for multiculturalism with minor adaptations to national frameworks and local concerns. However, Trudeau’s ­belief that cultural equivalency and state protection of numerical minorities constitute the foundations of multiculturalism has been integrated into legislation and policy across Western jurisdictions. Trudeau introduced multiculturalism as state policy, but he was not its conceptual author. In a ­co-authored book, Two Innocents in Red China, Trudeau praised Mao Zedong’s policy on racial minority groups because it did “not try to assimilate” minorities but instead made them “understand the blessings of Marxism”. Trudeau’s policy of multiculturalism appears to have arisen from the ideology of cultural unity in Marxism.

The ideological origin of multicultural policy in Marxism and cultural relativism makes open borders seem a natural corollary of social progress. It has taken a decade of conservative criticism to burst the bubble. Former prime minister John Howard stated in 2005 that “if people are not willing to give their first loyalty to this country, they obviously must understand that that will arouse enormous concern within the rest of the Australian community”. Tony Abbott echoed the theme, encouraging social integration by educating Australians about the social, cultural and economic benefits of Western civilisation’s core values. But it was British Prime Minister David Cameron who made the critical distinction ­required to salvage open societies from the wreckage of cultural relativism, criticising continued ­advocacy of “state multiculturalism” in the context of Islamism and terrorism.

Only a few months ago, EU leaders were defending open border policy as the zenith of multiculturalism. Blinded by faith, they ignored reality as Islamists made their way into Europe, unleashing jihadism against its citizens.

The mass violence committed by asylum-seekers and illegal immigrants on New Year’s Eve should provoke a more rational approach to cultural diversity and security policy across the West.

Political elites must overcome their fear that border security entails a ­decrease in compassion when the opposite is so evidently true.

Jennifer Oriel is a political scientist and commentator.
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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by mantra » Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:25 pm

That was a worrying article.

It looks like you were right all those years ago when you used to continually whinge about multiculturalism. I think many of us believed that it would eventually sort itself out and it was best to try and look at the positives - as few as there were. Now - I don't think there are any positives.

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Black Orchid
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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:03 pm

It's nice to see people change their opinion when the facts are glaringly obvious.

We have been (and are being) shafted and the media block on the true facts is even more worrying. Some cultures just do not mix well and any culture who insists its women be fully covered will never reside happily alongside western culture where women can, and do, wear what they want.

All those old feminists out there heralding multiculturalism are in for a huge shock.

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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:15 pm

Black Orchid wrote:It's nice to see people change their opinion when the facts are glaringly obvious.

We have been (and are being) shafted and the media block on the true facts is even more worrying. Some cultures just do not mix well and any culture who insists its women be fully covered will never reside happily alongside western culture where women can, and do, wear what they want.

All those old feminists out there heralding multiculturalism are in for a huge shock.

All I can say to this is an expression I first heard yelled by women in the UK.

"Tits out for the lads"
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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by mantra » Fri Jan 15, 2016 5:18 am

Black Orchid wrote:It's nice to see people change their opinion when the facts are glaringly obvious.

We have been (and are being) shafted and the media block on the true facts is even more worrying. Some cultures just do not mix well and any culture who insists its women be fully covered will never reside happily alongside western culture where women can, and do, wear what they want.

All those old feminists out there heralding multiculturalism are in for a huge shock.
"Old feminists" out there weren't those who were heralding multiculturalism - male politicians made the decision to introduce it and enforce it as law. In the 70's there was a campaign in high schools by the Department of Immigration to preach its virtues - so it was a well planned political move. It wasn't until the beginning of this century that our politicians and media began spruiking its negative side - also politically motivated. Of course now it's out of control, but no particular group of the electorate is responsible for this. Labor might have promoted multiculturalism in Australia - but the Liberals enshrined it in law.

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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Jan 15, 2016 4:14 pm

Like I said recently in another thread regarding the refugee/asylum seeker invasion of Europe - "These Arabs will destroy Europe"

And that's because that is precisely their intention.
Y'see Islam is not a religion of peace, Islam is a religion of revenge.

What do Muslims want revenge for?
Rejection of Muhammad as "the last prophet" and/or a "messenger of God".

I don't know why anyone should be surprised, such behaviour has been common practice for years wherever Muslims migrate to.
For years prior to Cronulla riot and still today, it's common for Lebanese Muslims in Sydney to hunt Aussie girls to pack rape.
In Rotherham England Pakistani Muslims used white girls as sex slaves for 16 years on a constant basis and the council covered it up to prevent a racist backlash.

I'm not going to tell you what we should do, because it's obvious.
I'm going to tell you what's going to happen, because it'll be necessary.

In most non Muslim nations including Australia Islam will be banned. Which in Australia will meaning altering the constitution to remove the right to Freedom of Religion. In almost all non Muslim nations Muslims will be collectively deported, and in some countries Muslims will be hunted and exterminated.

Now here's something in particular for SN.
You would have us believe that because you work for Muslims, thus interact with them regularly they're not so bad.
In a way I feel sorry for you because I take it for granted sooner or later you'll learn the hard way.
The only way you can safely work with Muslims is if you hold the trump cards. That is you have the power/upper hand
because they can't do without you. But sooner or later they will fuck you over and rob you blind.
My advice is make sure your assets are beyond their reach.

You (SN) believe we must explore space and ultimately colonise other planets for the continuation of human existence.
Do you actually imagine a technologically more advanced and theoretically more socially advanced species would risk
Muslims obtaining space travel capabilities and risk interplanetary jihad? And that invaded less advanced species face Mecca, put their arses in the air and kiss the ground, because a sleazy wog in a white dress says so?
Of course they wouldn't. No advanced species is going to let us leave our solar system until mental diseases like religion (Islam in particular) are eradicated.
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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:33 pm

This article is from mid last year but they are planning the same housing developments in Sydney for Muslims offering them interest free loans to buy in there.
PEOPLE have slammed a new development in Melbourne, calling it “a ghetto of Islam”.
A block in Melton South will be transformed into housing targeted at the Islamic community, with 75 separate lots and a mosque built in the middle of the neighbourhood. It’s called Iqra Village and is said to become Victoria’s largest faith-based housing.

The development, which featured on A Current Affair on Monday night, sparked a lot of outrage on social media and there were myriad racist comments, with some even saying it shouldn’t be allowed.

What a joke. If Australians build an Australian only suburb, we would all be racists,” a comment on Twitter said.

But the development is not a Muslim-only community and it will certainly not be gated.

While it will be rich with Islamic culture, it’s only targeted at Muslim families who might want to live around others with the same values.

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils treasurer Keysar Trad told A Current Affair Muslims were just creating a neighbourhood free of discrimination and free of misunderstanding.

Another development called Indian Junction is also underway on the outskirts of Melbourne in Tarneit.

It is designed for the Indian community and will give residents access to Indian supermarkets, health centres and aged care homes.
Developer Sunil Kumar told A Current Affair anybody could live in the neighbourhood if they wanted to.

Melton City Council said in a statement it would continue to build an inclusive community that embraced and valued cultural diversity. ... 85dcd17acb

How is building Indian and Muslim communities not, in fact, just building ghettos and no-go zones of the future? How is it encouraging inclusiveness and assimilation? What is wrong with our planners? What is wrong with our government for pushing this idiocy?

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Re: Multiculti fails again!

Post by Lucas » Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:03 pm

Any idiot with half a brain can see Islam is a destroyer of communities and full of pedophiles/perverts and intellectually low utter moronic violent scum of the earth.

Our government will pay just like Sweden is. Once these sand niggas reach 10% you can kiss what you know goodbye.

Its basic math.

Never trust a mussey and never help one.
They are lying sacks of excrement.

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