Julie Bishop Interrupts POTUS Ablutions

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Julie Bishop Interrupts POTUS Ablutions

Post by Wayne » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:59 pm

"Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has called on Donald Trump to deepen rather than reduce US leadership in Asia in a speech that underscores Australian concern about the potential for the new President's isolationist leanings.

In a speech she was set to deliver in Los Angeles on Friday morning, Ms Bishop described the US as "the indispensable power throughout the Indo-Pacific" while also spruiking Australia's role, stressing that the heavy lifting would not be left to the US alone."

http://www.theage.com.au/federal-politi ... tz9dz.html

So poor old Trumpy is on the throne when a call comes through from Julie Bishop ("Who ?"he asks White House Aid Samuel Kowalski) Ms Bishop is going to TELL Trumpy that Aust wants more Leadership in the US and to get down and dirty with the Chinese cause "It's all the way with Trumpy Aye!" She pledges everything that Australia has is yours! No Budget Emergency here Trumpy - we are here to do your dirty work for you regardless of the cost and lives. Just pick up the phone and call me or Mal.
Barely managing to control the turtle neck pushing forward POTUS thanks Ms Bishop before resuming his task.

What an embarrassment to all Australians this creature is! Someone fill up the bird seed container and keep her occupied elsewhere. First we send Hockey over there and now the prossy boot wearing bag of bones we have as Foreign Minister is telling - not asking - telling , the world's most powerful man how to do his job! Please Mal - get rid of this Mexican from the front bench!

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Re: Julie Bishop Interrupts POTUS Ablutions

Post by LEFTWINGER supreme » Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:18 pm

Funniest post I've read in some time

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Re: Julie Bishop Interrupts POTUS Ablutions

Post by Wayne » Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:56 pm

LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:Funniest post I've read in some time

Yeah LW but really, Mal needs to tell that unmarried, childless, living in sin bags of bones to stick to rorting travel expenses rather than embarrassing Australia. We have had some absolute disgraceful people representing us as Foreign Minister (Downer and Evans for two) but this tart takes the cake. For Gawd's sake put her in Treasury (ah maybe not - she cocked that one up as Shadow Treasurer and had to be removed...) or maybe Immigration. But get her off the front page of the World Newspapers.

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Re: Julie Bishop Interrupts POTUS Ablutions

Post by Neferti » Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:01 pm

I can't stand Julie Bishop ... and neither can I stand Turnbull. Trump has been POTUS for 3 and a half minutes so I will wait and see what happens before judging him. Carry on!

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