Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite

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Re: Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite

Post by Raven » Wed Jan 25, 2017 5:06 am

Here's the thing, you cannot help who you are attracted too.

Raven is attracted to women, was he born this way? He says yes.

Raven argues that homosexuals are also born that way. It is ridiculous to say that someone was made a homosexual.

"1957 all is well in the Steven's household. Jonathan is enjoying breakfast with his parents before dad goes to work, he loves school holidays. After breakfast Jonathan is playing in the living room, he's excitrd because Mother is going to teach him about homosexuals. He wasn't sure at first but lately has come to look at his friend Billy as a tasty piece of ass."
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

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Re: Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite

Post by Rorschach » Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:46 am

Really... then how do you explain men becoming homosexual in gaol then not reverting or reverting to being heterosexual when they get out? How do you explain bisexuals then... the list goes on and on.
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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Same Sex Marriage Plebiscite

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Jan 25, 2017 12:26 pm

Rorschach wrote:Really... then how do you explain men becoming homosexual in gaol then not reverting or reverting to being heterosexual when they get out?
If you'd ever been in gaol you'd have some insight as to 'how' or 'why'.
So as a former Max security (Parramatta) guest I'll fill in.
The predator homo just wants sex with whatever he can stick his dick in, he reverts to heterosexuality when released.
The victim homo is more often than not a closet poof and their effeminate mannerisms make them a target, he usually remains openly gay upon release.
The hetero (rape) victims of predator homos often rape females upon release.
Somehow the trauma affects their psychology in much the same way victims of paedophiles are, so the victim becomes a perpetrator.
The raping of hetero victims by homo predators is far less common than TV culture would have you believe. It happens occasionally, and pretty much everyone (inmate population) knows who's doing it, and pretty much everyone doesn't like them. The exception being pack rapes of hetero victims for humiliation's sake metered out as a punishment.

One day I was down at the weights section/gym beside the oval while a soccer match was in play.
My brother who was in the same gaol as me at the same time said "See the goalie? ... He'll give you a head job if you want" .. I just replied "I don't want to know that shit".
Gaol fags will give sexual favours in exchange for items from buy-up (non issue stuff that must be paid for) much like a prostitute does for money.
Rorschach wrote: How do you explain bisexuals then... the list goes on and on.
Bisexual males have the same defective gene homosexual males do.
Bisexual and lesbian females have a psychological issue with males, often caused by animosity to their father.
A transsexual male is a homosexual who wants to be female, so has the genetic defect. A transvestite male is a heterosexual male who fantasises about being female and almost always has an obsessive fetish for certain things/objects pertaining to females, and is caused by a rebellion to one or both parents. The same rebellion in a female manifests as kleptomania.

Anyway, on the topic of the plebiscite, the saboteurs opposed the free vote as opposed to the elite imposition fail to realise that their success would eventually lead back to criminalisation of homosexuality. The more they push it, the quicker the issue will go full circle.
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