Greens Split
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Don't poop in these threads. This isn't Europe, okay? There are rules here!
- Outlaw Yogi
- Posts: 2404
- Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:27 pm
Re: Greens Split
Righto, as a former insider I'll fill you in on where these agendas come from ...
The destroy capitalism theme comes directly out of the commy infiltration from the defunct DSP.
Which also is supported by most of the affiliated (to the Greens) pseudo-religious hippy group the Rainbow Family.
This affiliation which most Ozzy Greens members are ignorant of isn't just in Oz, it's global, as is the Greens party. The Greens have parties in over 100 countries and the Rainbow Family affiliation exists in almost all of them. In Japan the Greens and Rainbow Family are so marginalised they are the one entity.
* As an aside, during the Global Greens Conference (in early 2000s) to which about 136 countries sent delegates, the conference tried to create a global charter which all Greens parties on the plant would be compelled to abide by. One of the charter objectives was about advocating gay rights, and the African delegates all objected, stating they would be killed for doing so.
So what sort of thing does the Rainbow Family advocate?
Well they're not exclusively but are prodominantly vegetarian. They don't like dogs and think the keeping off pets is animal cruelty. They think national borders should be abolished. They think private property should be abolished. Some even think money and the financial industries should be abolished.
What sort of religion do they practice?
Pretty much anything goes, but there's a heavy influence of Hinduism and pseudo Buddhism, with a bit of American Indian beliefs thrown in. It also has major Jewish overtones. This mob have their own sub-culture language, with America or the big bad capitalist world in general referred to as "Babylon".
At their functions/festivals known as "Rainbow Gatherings" are often members of other religious sects, like the Vipassanas and Hare Krisnas.
Who runs it?
Well it's predominantly American and European, and they claim they have "no leaders" but the fact is when invited by a Japanese girlfriend I spent 6 weeks with them in 2000 at what they called the "Global Gathering" at Bonoo Bonoo (pronounced Bunna Banoo) near Tenterfield, and what I witnessed is that they are run by a bunch of New York Jews, many of who are gay.
This Jewish theme extends to their Structures and dogmas. The Rainbow Temple at Rosebank near Byron Bay/Nimbin is in the shape of a Star of David. A meditation they practice called Kabbalah involves visualising a 3 dimentional Star of David. A big hard cover pseudo-religious story book they obsess over called Merkaba claims aliens came to Earth and raped humans of their innocence.
What sorts of activities do they get up to?
They love "Workshops". Y'know the sort with no tools or machinary. In their case there are even any chairs as per the typical left wing workshop. And they're obsessed with "circles".
A work shop can be on any activity, be it a meditation class, body massage (the gays love that one), bark rope making class, clay or oche face painting sessions, ... a French bloke tried getting me to hold a Bush Tucker workshop.
A circle is a gathering of those with the same interests. For example while sitting in a giant circle of 900+ (at one stage 2700 requiring an inner and outer circle) people waiting for breakfast (breakfast and dinner is free, but vegetarian) various characters would walk around announcing a workshop or circle.
One morning they got us to all group in our Zodiac signs from oldest to youngest. So I'm sitting next to a Canadian bloke born on the same day as me, and an English girl born the day before, when this effeminate character walks up and announces a "Fairy Circle".
The Canadian bloke was just as naive as me, and asked "Is that about gnomes and elves and that sort of thing?" and the English girl laughed before filling us in that it's a circle of gays "Who kiss the magic ring".
American "Rainbows" told me they don't get involved in politics. But after a visit from some of the local blacks who bitched about the Timbara gold mine poisoning their river with cyanide, I saw heaps of the Australian Rainbows take off each morning to protest at the mine site.
This crew (Rainbow Family) is what I regard as the religious wing of the Greens.
And the affiliation was confirmed to me by the Qld Greens founder's wife in 2003.
The destroy capitalism theme comes directly out of the commy infiltration from the defunct DSP.
Which also is supported by most of the affiliated (to the Greens) pseudo-religious hippy group the Rainbow Family.
This affiliation which most Ozzy Greens members are ignorant of isn't just in Oz, it's global, as is the Greens party. The Greens have parties in over 100 countries and the Rainbow Family affiliation exists in almost all of them. In Japan the Greens and Rainbow Family are so marginalised they are the one entity.
* As an aside, during the Global Greens Conference (in early 2000s) to which about 136 countries sent delegates, the conference tried to create a global charter which all Greens parties on the plant would be compelled to abide by. One of the charter objectives was about advocating gay rights, and the African delegates all objected, stating they would be killed for doing so.
So what sort of thing does the Rainbow Family advocate?
Well they're not exclusively but are prodominantly vegetarian. They don't like dogs and think the keeping off pets is animal cruelty. They think national borders should be abolished. They think private property should be abolished. Some even think money and the financial industries should be abolished.
What sort of religion do they practice?
Pretty much anything goes, but there's a heavy influence of Hinduism and pseudo Buddhism, with a bit of American Indian beliefs thrown in. It also has major Jewish overtones. This mob have their own sub-culture language, with America or the big bad capitalist world in general referred to as "Babylon".
At their functions/festivals known as "Rainbow Gatherings" are often members of other religious sects, like the Vipassanas and Hare Krisnas.
Who runs it?
Well it's predominantly American and European, and they claim they have "no leaders" but the fact is when invited by a Japanese girlfriend I spent 6 weeks with them in 2000 at what they called the "Global Gathering" at Bonoo Bonoo (pronounced Bunna Banoo) near Tenterfield, and what I witnessed is that they are run by a bunch of New York Jews, many of who are gay.
This Jewish theme extends to their Structures and dogmas. The Rainbow Temple at Rosebank near Byron Bay/Nimbin is in the shape of a Star of David. A meditation they practice called Kabbalah involves visualising a 3 dimentional Star of David. A big hard cover pseudo-religious story book they obsess over called Merkaba claims aliens came to Earth and raped humans of their innocence.
What sorts of activities do they get up to?
They love "Workshops". Y'know the sort with no tools or machinary. In their case there are even any chairs as per the typical left wing workshop. And they're obsessed with "circles".
A work shop can be on any activity, be it a meditation class, body massage (the gays love that one), bark rope making class, clay or oche face painting sessions, ... a French bloke tried getting me to hold a Bush Tucker workshop.
A circle is a gathering of those with the same interests. For example while sitting in a giant circle of 900+ (at one stage 2700 requiring an inner and outer circle) people waiting for breakfast (breakfast and dinner is free, but vegetarian) various characters would walk around announcing a workshop or circle.
One morning they got us to all group in our Zodiac signs from oldest to youngest. So I'm sitting next to a Canadian bloke born on the same day as me, and an English girl born the day before, when this effeminate character walks up and announces a "Fairy Circle".
The Canadian bloke was just as naive as me, and asked "Is that about gnomes and elves and that sort of thing?" and the English girl laughed before filling us in that it's a circle of gays "Who kiss the magic ring".
American "Rainbows" told me they don't get involved in politics. But after a visit from some of the local blacks who bitched about the Timbara gold mine poisoning their river with cyanide, I saw heaps of the Australian Rainbows take off each morning to protest at the mine site.
This crew (Rainbow Family) is what I regard as the religious wing of the Greens.
And the affiliation was confirmed to me by the Qld Greens founder's wife in 2003.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
- Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:45 am
Re: Greens Split
I haven't found any information linking the Rainbow Family to the Greens who would definitely distance themselves from this group. It is true that they are an extreme right group, but their roots are in Sri Lanka. The bloke who led the group into Australia is anti-Islamic and a con man.Outlaw Yogi wrote:This crew (Rainbow Family) is what I regard as the religious wing of the Greens.
And the affiliation was confirmed to me by the Qld Greens founder's wife in 2003.
There are lots of small groups floating around who claim they're affiliated with the Greens. That doesn't make it true though. The Australian Greens are independent of the international Greens and the many breakaway groups.
Danny Nalliah’s Rainbow Family and the People’s Temple
Danny Nalliah, pastor of the Catch the Fire Ministries and leader of the Rise Up Australia Party (RUAP), presents a picture of pathology amidst the decaying rot of the multiracial society.
Into our Australian crisis has come a supposed man of God, a Sri Lankan, who says that he is “Australian” and “black” and that he seeks to create a true Australian identity on the basis of a grand project of multiracial assimilation. He has even held a meeting on June 22 to accept unto his assembly the “guilt” of white Australians (he uses the term “Anglo Saxons”) for the historical ‘mistreatment’ of the Aborigines. He has ‘healed’ Australia and set that matter aright. He is a leader to lead this new Australia. His effrontery knows no bounds.
But he is best known as an ‘anti Islamic’ activist and in that guise he has reached national prominence, ‘warning’ us all of the dangers – sometimes correctly stated – that Islam represents on Australian soil. That is his ticket to be heard. Nalliah seeks the unity of all regardless of race or origin – against Islam.
In that regard, he echoes the quiet sub text of the Liberal Party which has been running that line for a decade or so. It takes the public eye off the overall danger of immigration from all non European sources and certainly away from the rise of the Chinese superpower and its plans to colonize Australia.
Ironically, it was Scott Morrison, Liberal immigration spokesman, who was caught out a few years back in a confidential memo suggesting the Libs push a little ‘anti Islam’ to garner votes and allay public fears at the immigration program generally. ... es-temple/
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Greens Split
Really mantra?
Australia First?
Racist group anyone?
Did you actually reaf what they wrote and you posted?
I have never heard of the "Rainbow family" in regards to Danny Nalliah, I doubt Nalliah's "Rainbow Family" if it exists, is the one Yogi was talking about.
Australia First?
Racist group anyone?
Did you actually reaf what they wrote and you posted?
I have never heard of the "Rainbow family" in regards to Danny Nalliah, I doubt Nalliah's "Rainbow Family" if it exists, is the one Yogi was talking about.
Last edited by Rorschach on Sat Jan 07, 2017 9:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
- Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:45 am
Re: Greens Split
Maybe not. Perhaps he can clarify that.Rorschach wrote:I doubt Nalliah's "Rainbow Family" is the one Yogi was talking about.
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Greens Split
Good grief.... I just looked at the link.... he doesn't have a Rainbow Family, the now racist Australia First are just using that term to describe a group of many races.
Nalliah was a Pastor in the Catch The Fire Ministries and started the Rise Up Australia Party. Nothing to do with the Rainbow Family. Surely you've heard of him before.
Nalliah was a Pastor in the Catch The Fire Ministries and started the Rise Up Australia Party. Nothing to do with the Rainbow Family. Surely you've heard of him before.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Greens Split
Greens tensions boil over as Milne challenges NSW MPs
James Robertson
Internal tensions in the Greens have escalated further with the party's former leader Christine Milne challenging two NSW MPs to condemn members of the party calling for a split in the movement.
Fairfax Media last month reported on the formation of a new factional grouping within the Greens calling itself "Left Renewal" and advocating a radical platform rejecting the legitimacy of the state and calling for the end of capitalism.
That development has been followed by some Greens members calling for the development of a left-wing alternative to the party. Deputy membership officer, Tomas Hamilton, last week called the Greens a "hollow shell" and advocated forming "a proper anti-establishment left populist party".
Ms Milne, who resigned as the Greens' federal leader in 2015, called on two prominent left-wing Greens MPs from NSW to condemn those remarks and for Mr Hamilton to resign.
"These individuals identify with [federal senator] Lee Rhiannon and [state MP] David Shoebridge," Ms Milne said. "They must be confident they have their support. That really puts the onus on those MPs to call them out.
"Seeing an elected office bearer say that they're intending to develop a base for a new party is completely destructive. They should leave now."
Ms Rhiannon and Mr Shoebridge have said they are not Left Renewal members but have defended its members' rights to express their views.
"I don't think the expulsion of Greens members from Left Renewal or the right-wing grouping is a sensible way forward," Ms Rhiannon said. "We need to remain an inclusive party that considers a diversity of views consistent with our four Greens principles."
Ms Rhiannon said the party should use democratic forums to discuss policy proposals.
But Mr Hamilton, a critic of some conservative members of the NSW party, denied he was of the Left Renewal faction and said he should not resign for expressing dissenting views.
Young Greens members of Left Renewal have publicly expressed similar sentiments about developing an alternative to the Greens.
Mr Shoebridge said he was unable to respond because he was on holiday and had not seen Mr Hamilton's remarks.
Ms Milne also partly backed calls from her predecessor, Bob Brown, who called on Ms Rhiannon to move on from politics.
"Lee was democratically elected a year ago but I do think she should think about not running [for another term]," Ms Milne said. "If you're going to call for renewal then you have to lead."
Ms Rhiannon rejected calls by Mr Brown to stand down after last year's election, saying she intended to continue in her job.
The recent divisions represents the escalation of an old battle between the party's left wing, known to detractors as the "Eastern bloc" and more centrist MPs, a group dismissed by opponents as "tree Tories".
Candidates backed by the left have lost out in the two most recent state preselections in NSW.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- mantra
- Posts: 9132
- Joined: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:45 am
Re: Greens Split
The left faction have stuffed up and they need to go somewhere else. The right faction are trying to reach a happy medium with Labor and the Libs. The only way the Greens will continue to thrive is to make compromises and Di Natale is doing that. Fortunately he is a humanitarian, but he's also a realist.Rorschach wrote:
Candidates backed by the left have lost out in the two most recent state preselections in NSW.
- Outlaw Yogi
- Posts: 2404
- Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2012 9:27 pm
Re: Greens Split
Well I have. Both from personal experience and in printed material.mantra wrote:I haven't found any information linking the Rainbow Family to the GreensOutlaw Yogi wrote:This crew (Rainbow Family) is what I regard as the religious wing of the Greens.
And the affiliation was confirmed to me by the Qld Greens founder's wife in 2003.
For example in Japan the Greens' and Rainbow family's title is "The Greens and Rainbow Family".
They are a united entity.
Also, during a conversation with the Qld Greens founder's (Drew Hutton) wife (Libby Connors) at a QG state council meeting tea break I mentioned the affiliation to Libby and she confirmed it.
But they (the Greens) never have distanced themselves from their affiliates.mantra wrote: who would definitely distance themselves from this group.
For example when at the Rainbow's 'World gathering' (Global Gathering was incorrect) in March-April 2000 I met an American couple from New York state. He jokingly takes the title 'Sir Edmund the Green' and his wife/partner has the Jewish name Mayer.
We were under a big tarp where the festival occupants gathered to brew and drink chai called the 'Funky chai shop'. We got onto the topic of politics via a conversation regarding the Indonesian invasion of East Timor.
Ed and his Mrs were registered Democrats. When we all went home he often emailed me, and on one occasion while visiting Brisbane tried hitch hiking to Bundy to visit me but got stuck in red neck Gympie. Through these email exchanges he expressed his dismay concerning the Democrats.
By this time (early 2003) I was in the Qld Greens and mentioned it. Soon after he joined the New York Greens and I sent him a Greens triangle pendant. So Ed's in the Greens and was still involved with the Rainbows when I quit the Greens in 2008.
Amoungst the Ozzy members of the Rainbow Family, their living legend is Benny Zable. Benny's a peace and anti-nuke activist. In 2007 I was taken by the Hinkler-Burnett (Bundy) Greens branch secretary to Yepoon, and then bussed to Shoalwater Bay military training ground to protest against the war games ?...... Sabre 2007. (I wasn't against the war games per se, but didn't think the yanks should have their nuke missiles on their nuke ships in one of our Nat Parks).
The police blocked the road into the base 10km out. I snuck round behind the cops and took photos of the blockade. The cops had stopped vehicles but couldn't prevent people walking on a public (dirt) road. It was pissing with rain, but I had my NATO forces wet weather gear on (some said I looked like the soldiers with a flat top and camo gear - "You look like one of them") so about 300 of us walked the 10kms in over about 2 hours.
By the time we reached the training base gates Benny Zable and I were leading the crowd and were photographed by the media and video recorded by police, who admitted the recordings were for ASIO.
A week or 2 later Libby mentioned Drew had spotted Benny Zable and I leading the group on the front page of the Weekend Australian's Inquirer section. Drew recognised both of us because he knew both of us well. Benny Zable is very much involved in the Rainbow Family and does his online activist work from the Rainbow Cafe in Nimbin NSW.
Yet they hold left wing comedy shows/sketches at their function not unlike you'd see on the ABC.mantra wrote: It is true that they are an extreme right group,
mantra wrote: but their roots are in Sri Lanka.
Sounds like a completely different crew. About half the 'Rainbow Gatherings' are held in India, and despite being geographic neighbours are not particularly friendly towards one another, even in the cricket. Sri Lanka in Sanskrit means "auspicious spot/mark/place". Hindus think they own it because Rama conquered it (before the land bridge was submerged 7000 years ago), and the Singhalese Buddhists consider the Hindus (Tamil Tigers) to be invaders.
Hmmm, well when I was at that gathering I saw an Israeli and a Palestinian hug one another. The Rainbows being hippies are forever hugging one another. While there I often hung around a tarp strung up by a Moroccan (Muslim) called Farouk koo koos cafe because he had coffee instead of chai adulterated with cardamom and there were some decent musicians there, rather than ferals banging bongos.mantra wrote:The bloke who led the group into Australia is anti-Islamic and a con man.
A few weeks earlier I'd split my head open at work and had a square patch shaved into the back of my flat top. When I went to trim it up with the clippers, I forgot the comb and stuffed up, so shaved the lot with no comb.
One time I fell asleep at Farouk Koo Koos cafe. When I woke but layed with my eyes closed I was being referred to as "the red neck". Some bloke I'd spoken with earlier mentioned something said and the next thing I'm the "psychic fascist". Then Kaiko my Japanese girlfriend came along and messed up their theory.
Such as?mantra wrote:There are lots of small groups floating around who claim they're affiliated with the Greens.
Thing is the Rainbows never mentioned the Greens. I discovered the affiliation via material while I was in the Greens.
Yeah knew it had to be a different mob. #1 never heard of "the People's Temple" - but have heard of 'Rainbow Temples' .. #2 "Catch the Fire Ministries" is Christian/Evangelist - and the Rainbows are into Eastern religions .. #3 the Rainbows are very multi racial and very pro multicultural.mantra wrote:Danny Nalliah’s Rainbow Family and the People’s Temple
Danny Nalliah, pastor of the Catch the Fire Ministries and leader of the Rise Up Australia Party (RUAP), presents a picture of pathology amidst the decaying rot of the multiracial society.
Anyway Mantra, you can deny the affiliation all you want, but I know different.
If you genuinely want to find out for yourself, look up "Rainbow Gathering" in a search, and their stuff will come up. Most of them (in Oz) will be in Byron Bay and Nimbin NSW, and Maleny Qld, and if you get friendly they'll let you know where the next gathering is (often secret locations in state forests), then go see for yourself.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?
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