Election funding: major parties scoop $50.7m of $62.8m total

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Super Nova
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Election funding: major parties scoop $50.7m of $62.8m total

Post by Super Nova » Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:22 am

I understand why we implemented controlled election funding, we don't want to go the way of the US but these formula based on previous results is designed to support those in power. We will remain a 2 horse country.

Under public election funding laws, the AEC pays $2.63 a vote to all parties and candidates who receive 4% or more of the first-preference votes.

The ultimate delayed gratification, funding wise.

Is this a fairer system... really?

Election funding: major parties scoop $50.7m of $62.8m total

The Australian Electoral Commission has doled out a total of $62.8m in public electoral funding, including $50.7m to Labor and the Coalition.
On Wednesday the AEC authorised the second and final payment of $2.3m to political parties and candidates for votes at the 2016 federal election. It followed an interim payment of $60.5m made in late July.

After both payments the Liberal party received a total of $24.2m, the Nationals got $3.3m and Labor got $23.2m. The Australian Greens received $6.7m.
Minor parties with the biggest share of funding were Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party ($1.7m), the Nick Xenophon Team ($1.2m) and Derryn Hinch’s Justice party ($0.6m).

http://www.msn.com/en-au/news/australia ... nntp&pfr=1
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