Turnbull - good decisions

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 30, 2015 2:34 pm

Unlike Abbott who under Credlin's advice didn't make Turnbull Treasurer which may just have saved his Prime-Ministership and government
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Neferti » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:22 pm

mantra wrote:There are calls to restore Abbott to the front bench - and that isn't a bad idea. Turnbull has at least gotten rid of 2 unreliable ministers so there is a gap that needs to be filled. If Turnbull has got the guts to do that, then it will show that he's confident in himself and doesn't feel threatened.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Won't happen and it wouldn't make a jot of difference to us "rusted on" Liberals who will NEVER vote Coalition while Turncoat is sitting in the chair. :mrgreen:

Tony is a Scorpio (b 4/11/57), I doubt that he would EVER work "for" Turncoat, who is also a Scorpio (b 24/10/54). I imagine that Tony is "deciding" what he will do next. He will probably retire from Parliament before the next Federal Election, which would be a good idea, in my opinion. Prime Ministers don't tend to make lots of "come-backs" like Johnny Farnham. :rofl

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Neferti » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:25 pm

Rorschach wrote:Unlike Abbott who under Credlin's advice didn't make Turnbull Treasurer which may just have saved his Prime-Ministership and government
I can't believe that you actually think Credlin had that much influence on Abbott.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by skippy » Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:06 pm

Neferti~ wrote:
mantra wrote:There are calls to restore Abbott to the front bench - and that isn't a bad idea. Turnbull has at least gotten rid of 2 unreliable ministers so there is a gap that needs to be filled. If Turnbull has got the guts to do that, then it will show that he's confident in himself and doesn't feel threatened.
Ha ha ha ha ha! Won't happen and it wouldn't make a jot of difference to us "rusted on" Liberals who will NEVER vote Coalition while Turncoat is sitting in the chair. :mrgreen:

Tony is a Scorpio (b 4/11/57), I doubt that he would EVER work "for" Turncoat, who is also a Scorpio (b 24/10/54). I imagine that Tony is "deciding" what he will do next. He will probably retire from Parliament before the next Federal Election, which would be a good idea, in my opinion. Prime Ministers don't tend to make lots of "come-backs" like Johnny Farnham. :rofl
In my lifetime I can think of only one that happily sat around for years on the backbench, McMahon, who used to be my local member and retired in 1982, 10 years after losing an election.
Fraser, Hawke,Keating,Howard and Gillard all walked when they lost an election or were rolled by their own party, or in Howard's case also lost his seat.
Gorton served as a Minister in a McMahon government for six months before getting sacked. Then left the Libs in 1975 and became an independent.
While Menzies came back and ended up serving as the longest PM in history. Rudd also made a short lived comeback. While Whitlam stayed around for a couple of years thinking he could win again.
So only two managed comebacks, most walked.
As for Abbott I think he will be another McMahon, but unlike Billy he still thinks he can be PM again.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Rorschach » Wed Dec 30, 2015 9:07 pm

Credlin told him he could be PM again... guess she wants her job back
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by mantra » Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:26 pm

She might be pushing him privately, but she's smart enough to know that she wouldn't stand a chance of publicly working with him in politics again.

Abbott might not have the confidence to do it alone.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:07 pm

mantra wrote:She might be pushing him privately, but she's smart enough to know that she wouldn't stand a chance of publicly working with him in politics again.

Abbott might not have the confidence to do it alone.
Stop thinking that Tony Abbott is planning a revenge or that Peta Credlin had any influence. She is NO LONGER ATTACHED TO THE LIBERAL PARTY ... nor is her husband.

Brian Loughnane (Peta's husband) is no longer Director of the Liberal Party (as of December 2015). I think they will be having a nice long holiday in the Bahamas or somewhere and their rooting for the Liberal Party is over. They certainly have NO intention of backing Turncoat and nor do most of us "rusted on" Liberals.

Look forward to a Labor Government with Billy Shortlegs flapping around and handing out money to all and sundry. Oz does have a Money Tree in Beijing, doesn't it?

IF you think Sydney western suburbs are the pits now, expect worse and that to extend as more FREE Muslims are imported and immediately suck on the taxpayer tit. Chinese buying out properties on the North Shore? Unbelievable.

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Rorschach » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:23 pm

Reported in the Newspapers weeks ago that Credlin was urging Tony on and specifically stating he could be PM again. Credlin may be out of a job, but it is clear she wants it back.
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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Neferti » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:35 pm

Rorschach wrote:Reported in the Newspapers weeks ago that Credlin was urging Tony on and specifically stating he could be PM again. Credlin may be out of a job, but it is clear she wants it back.
I am not saying YOU are wrong, I am just saying WHY would she be carrying on and why did her husband resign? Turncoat?

I must say that Tony seems to like tall horsy looking females ... check his daughters. :rofl

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Re: Turnbull - good decisions

Post by Redneck » Sun Jan 03, 2016 12:55 pm

The jury is still out on Turdbull as far as i am concerned.

He hasnt really done anything yet apart from using his more articulate manner of speaking but still with his buzz words on Innovation, exciting times, etc etc etc.

Lets see what the budget brings if we last that long!

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