Uber - Getting Legalised in Aus

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Re: Uber - Getting Legalised in Aus

Post by mantra » Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:35 pm

I don't think much of Sydney taxi drivers either, but in my area they're white and are born here. $12 for less than a km sounds right - even in a fairly quiet area like mine. I know someone who pays $10 regularly for a 4 block trip, because he's almost crippled and needs the service. Maybe there's an Uber service which might do it cheaper for him, but I doubt it. You have to pay double when you call a cab for a local trip.

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Re: Uber - Getting Legalised in Aus

Post by boxy » Sat Dec 19, 2015 6:27 pm

I happened on a bit on tele the other day, about traveling across Cuba. Apparently, they have a policy, where there are govt. guys at "hitching stations" where hitchhikers can go, and the guy will flag down any govt. vehicle going by, and they are required to give a lift, if they have a spare seat, and it's on their way. Extreme car pooling :)
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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: Uber - Getting Legalised in Aus

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Sun Dec 20, 2015 8:06 am

IQS.RLOW wrote: Aussie is pretending he doesn't own them because he's arguing on the Sunshine Coast Daily against Uber and doesn't want to declare his conflict of interest.

He is a liar.
Ah. Well then, his lying is nothing personal and we shouldn't take it as such. It is simply a character defect he was born with.

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