Northern Territory could become Australia's 7th State

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Northern Territory could become Australia's 7th State

Post by Neferti » Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:32 pm

The remote territory known for its crocodiles and steamy weather might finally join the rest of Australia on an equal political footing in its quest to become the country's seventh state and stop being a "second class citizen".

State leaders at the Council of Australian Governments meeting on Thursday unanimously agreed with Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles that the territory should become its own state by July 1, 2018, according to a communique issued by Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Speaking from Sydney, Mr Giles said the Northern Territory was a "second class citizen" that had a "second-tier status in the nation".

If the change occurs, Parliament House in Canberra could gain an additional number of politicians in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The state could even get a name change and the Australian flag may have to be updated.

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