right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by Super Nova » Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:34 am

I share IQs opinion on this point.

using the proceeds of capitalism to fund socialism is doomed to fail.

The welfare system originally was for the poorest and hardest done by in society. A real rock bottom safely net. It has evolved to be a human right to have a very high living standard in Europe and Australia.

If it is not address it will collapse. Austerity would not be needed if the books were always kept balances. When the left are in they spend... and the right get to do all the unpopular things to correct... then the left get back in.

This could also be the end of democracy... the people don't know what is good for them......
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 30, 2014 11:17 am

The safety net does not allow one to have a very high living standard at all.
Newstart for example keeps you well below the poverty line.
Basically it's a safety net with a big hole in it, be on it long enough and you'll still wind up homeless and in the gutter.
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by mantra » Sun Nov 30, 2014 12:08 pm

Super Nova wrote:sing the proceeds of capitalism to fund socialism is doomed to fail.
It isn't the capitalists who usually have to pay for welfare - it's the plebs. Those at the top of the capitalism ladder go to great lengths to avoid tax and usually get away with it, so the ATO puts them in the too hard basket. Labor and Liberal use the excuse that these corporations create jobs, so in a roundabout way their tax avoidance is justified. They also make profits which are usually sent overseas, therefore not creating the wealth for Australia our governments keep promising. If we got our fair share of a financial benefit from those investors who exploit and degrade our assets, welfare wouldn't be a problem.

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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:23 pm

How many times do you have to be pulled up on your little lies that the "plebs" pay most of the tax and the "rich" get away with it.

It's not true no matter how many times you repeat it.
Stop lying.
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by Super Nova » Sun Nov 30, 2014 1:36 pm

Rorschach wrote:The safety net does not allow one to have a very high living standard at all.
Newstart for example keeps you well below the poverty line.
Basically it's a safety net with a big hole in it, be on it long enough and you'll still wind up homeless and in the gutter.
What you call poverty is considered a good life style for many in the world.

You will find 99% of these people you call in poverty with...

.1 a colour TV - probably a plasma
2. a PC or tablet
3. Network access
4. A mobile phone per adult
5. A roof over their heads
6. Enough food
7. Fresh water
8. State provided education

That is not poverty. They may have financial stress making ends meet but that is not poverty.
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:16 pm

Super Nova wrote:
Rorschach wrote:The safety net does not allow one to have a very high living standard at all.
Newstart for example keeps you well below the poverty line.
Basically it's a safety net with a big hole in it, be on it long enough and you'll still wind up homeless and in the gutter.
What you call poverty is considered a good life style for many in the world.

You will find 99% of these people you call in poverty with...

.1 a colour TV - probably a plasma
2. a PC or tablet
3. Network access
4. A mobile phone per adult
5. A roof over their heads
6. Enough food
7. Fresh water
8. State provided education

That is not poverty. They may have financial stress making ends meet but that is not poverty.
I call the poverty line the poverty line... you know the official one.
BTW if you are homeless and living in the gutter you don't have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7... 8 is usually mandatory but does cost money and you probably don't have any so you are stuffed there too.
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by Rorschach » Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:21 pm

It's amazing how people who have been well off most of or all their lives, can still fail to recognise those less well off and blame them for being so. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:03 pm

Does binky want everyone to feel sorry for him because he is unemployable? Awwww :cry:

Get a job that is relevant to your skill level.
Practice "Do you want fries with that" and you might be in with a chance of getting off the dole instead of thinking you should be paid more for doing fuck all.
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Re: right-wing Austerity Freaks Wrong

Post by boxy » Sun Nov 30, 2014 6:25 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Practice "Do you want fries with that" and you might be in with a chance of getting off the dole instead of thinking you should be paid more for doing fuck all.
In the future, everyone not born with a trust fund should get used to this phrase. We are on a track that leads to less and less labour being needed for any given unit of production. That leads to lower costs, higher productivity and to human labour becoming redundant, across the board.
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