Kevinology 101

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Jovial Monk

Kevinology 101

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Jul 09, 2009 1:47 pm

Quoting the incomparable Possum:
If you read the papers for your weekly dose of Kevinology, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the Prime Minister is perpetually just one small political faux pas away from some great public reckoning in the polls, that his never ending honeymoon is an obscenity to the natural order that will collapse at any moment.

For some reason, the baseline of analysis nearly always starts and ends with the assumption that the electorate doesn’t actually like Kevin Rudd – that somehow, this most unlikely of Prime Ministers is pulling a gigantic public relations swifty.

Just why this delusion enjoys such widespread currency I’m not too sure – I have my theories, but they’re mostly defamatory so I’ll keep them to myself :-D

From the very beginning of the Rudd administration, this was a government that was liked. The week after the 2007 election, Newspoll asked about the dynamics of why people voted the way they did and the responses show clearly that Rudd wasn’t a Prime Minister born from a powerful lack of alternatives. In fact, that same question has been asked after every election since 1993 – the last election result was the strongest pro-party result in the question’s history.


People voted for Rudd rather than against Howard according to their own responses –and quite frankly, I’m more inclined to believe the public than any amount of navel gazing election analysis that speaks to the contrary.
People by and large LIKE Kevin Rudd, some worship Julia the Magnificent :) Because Turdbull made a gigantic ARSE of himself over utegate they marked him down by a bigger amount that Alex "The things that Batter" Downer. To an irrecoverable position in fact. ... /#comments

I like Possum because his statements are strongly based on fact, on data analysis, would read him even if he wasn't a Labor supporters. He is also an economist--I do suggest you bookmark his blog. Yes, it is on Crikey but they just host him, i.e. independent of Crikey.

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