The fibs have reached rock bottom and commenced digging

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The fibs have reached rock bottom and commenced digging

Post by Leftofcentresalterego » Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:41 am

A week with little or no news access, so what sweeter news for a left-wing political tragic to read just before heading off.... ... 01,00.html

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Jovial Monk

Re: The fibs have reached rock bottom and commenced digging

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:28 am

Yup. Read the full disaster here: 3 pollsters counem three and Essential Research this afternoon will make it four. ... l-of-pain/

Women are deserting the Coalition in droves and heading to Labor (capital 'L' snartarses :) ) and when you add that to the demographic trainwreck of the preboomers dying off and taking their high Coalition vote with them they are in for a whole world of hurt.

Truffles should have continued on the Debt and Deficit strategy which was frightening a few nervous nellies back to the Coalition (who, in the form of the disastrous Howard/Costello govt) caused the bloody high deficit in the first place! Now good luck getting traction with that.

The obvious interim Leader is Abbot, a senior figure and head kicker extraordinaire--and a head kicker is what they need, for example, to browbeat State branches into preselecting decent candidates to provide that vital new blood the Fib party needs. I said this right after the election. Now, Tony can't win elections, too extreme right, can't handle female opponents etc etc but he could have cleaned it up, got some policy formulation started etc etc then lost the next election when the Fibs could elect a Leader who could build on what Tony had started the previous terms.

Instead they went first for Emo Man then Mr Crash Through or Crash who promptly crashed!

Still no policy formulation, still no sign of fresh blood being preselected. No wonder of course, the Fibs are split down the middle left-right and too many are clinging to the toxic Howard legacy which they should jettison pronto.

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