Aust 'owes world' to lead MH370 search

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DaS Energy

Aust 'owes world' to lead MH370 search

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:58 pm

Tony Abbott claim to the media "Aust 'owes world' to lead MH370 search"

Abbott in reality. All focus must be shifted from those tragically lost, to Tony Abbott and his 6 O'clock look at me news activity to win WA Elections.

"The Australian navy vessel Ocean Shield, which is equipped with special equipment that can detect signals from the black box, is being sent to the search site".

Tony conveniently leaves out, Ocean Shield being sent a searching this late, it needs God help in searching the plotted area before the locating signals give out!

Sky-News 31/03/2014

DaS Energy

Re: Aust 'owes world' to lead MH370 search

Post by DaS Energy » Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:38 pm

“I think we owe it to the grieving families of the 239 people on board, we owe it in particular to the Malaysians."

"Mr Abbott said he had already met with two of the families of the Australian couples" despite they not being particulary owed anything by Mr Abbott. Australian 31/03/2014

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