Qld Minister protects extortionist public servants.

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DaS Energy

Qld Minister protects extortionist public servants.

Post by DaS Energy » Sun Mar 23, 2014 1:12 pm

Qld Police crack down on non civil servants involved in extortion is showing rewards.

However QLD Minister for Justice has now officially in writing vetoed the Courts from hearing extortion charges against public servants who criminally demand money and bring personal damage if not paid by using their position within Treasury.

Not a concoction but quoted from QLD Government written records, pay the money or take Treasury to Court. While waiting for the Court hearing do not drive a vehicle even to the emergency department of a hospital after suffering a snake bite.

Should you do so the Police will put you In front of a Magistrate for driving while Treasury has confiscated your license.

LNP in power has a lot to answer for!

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