Coal-iton killing off the CEFC!

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DaS Energy

Coal-iton killing off the CEFC!

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:27 pm

CEFC makes first big investment since election – $40m in biogas
By Sophie Vorrath on 5 March 2014
The Clean Energy Finance Corporation has made its first major investment since the election of the Abbott government, providing $20 million in finance towards new biogas infrastructure aimed at cutting energy costs for farmers and manufacturers.
The $10 billion green development bank has been on shaky ground since the Coalition came to power, but Tony Abbott’s best laid plans to dismantle the CEFC have been unsuccessful so far, and may be stymied again in July, if Independent MP Nick Xenophon and DLP Senator John Madigan continue to support it.

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