A Coal-ition of excuses.

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DaS Energy

A Coal-ition of excuses.

Post by DaS Energy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 10:19 am

Abbott and the gunner Coal-ition were all gunna at election time and now in government have even more gunna’s but haven’t did any yet.“Abolish the Carbon Tax” ”Abolish Carbon Trading” “Prime Minister Tony Abbott believes Labor and the crossbenchers will back his plan to change the Qantas Sale Act” “The federal government plans to cut red tape around some overseas adoptions to make it easier for prospective parents.” and yet have only been successful in getting Australia’s biggest debt limit. Coal-ition of spin even Rudd would be proud of!

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Re: A Coal-ition of excuses.

Post by Neferti » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:22 pm

DaS Energy wrote:Abbott and the gunner Coal-ition were all gunna at election time and now in government have even more gunna’s but haven’t did any yet.“Abolish the Carbon Tax” ”Abolish Carbon Trading” “Prime Minister Tony Abbott believes Labor and the crossbenchers will back his plan to change the Qantas Sale Act” “The federal government plans to cut red tape around some overseas adoptions to make it easier for prospective parents.” and yet have only been successful in getting Australia’s biggest debt limit. Coal-ition of spin even Rudd would be proud of!
Calm down.

You can vote again for the Feds in 3 years.


DaS Energy

Re: A Coal-ition of excuses.

Post by DaS Energy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 5:13 pm

Patience, Moses had patience but he not have his balls caught in a rabbit trap.

DaS Energy

Re: A Coal-ition of excuses.

Post by DaS Energy » Tue Mar 04, 2014 6:28 pm

Federal government plans to allow Qantas to be majority foreign-owned appear stuck on the runway, with only two of six key crossbenchers supporting the coalition in the new Senate. Sky-News 04/03/2014

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Re: A Coal-ition of excuses.

Post by Super Nova » Tue Mar 04, 2014 7:45 pm

DaS Energy wrote:Federal government plans to allow Qantas to be majority foreign-owned appear stuck on the runway, with only two of six key crossbenchers supporting the coalition in the new Senate. Sky-News 04/03/2014
Qantas is a shit airline for many years. provides poor service, expensive fares.

I have not used Qantas for years. It cannot compete on service or price.

it is inefficient.

Leave to the free market to sort them out. Government no longer has a part to play in national airlines.

Then it may survive, some of the jobs will be preserved.

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DaS Energy

Re: A Coal-ition of excuses.

Post by DaS Energy » Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:18 am

Rudd had a problem with DaS Energy, go for his Carbon Trading and his backbenchers be charged with contempt of the High Court. It having already ruled, 1953 Ansett. Backbenchers then ruled out Rudd. Gillard's go has a similar problem, got rid Rudd's cant trade in Australia and replaced with only one Carbon trader can print and sell all others must and past the Government test.

Well done got the right spelling!

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