Nothing is more satisfying than seeing progressive shit policy being unravelled. ... 6733284477#" onclick=";return false;
TONY Abbott will have the numbers to scrap the carbon and mining taxes from July next year after the Palmer United Party and three crossbench senators confirmed they would back his mandate, eliminating the threat of a double-dissolution election.
As the Prime Minister won support to repeal Labor's carbon pricing regime, he said the Greens' loss of the balance of power in the upper house was a "great political achievement for the Coalition".
The Coalition will have 33 votes in the 76-seat chamber when the make-up of the new Senate begins on July 1. It means Mr Abbott, who has a substantial majority in the House of the Representatives, will need the support of six of the eight crossbench senators to pass his agenda.
The PUP, which has three senators subject to the outcome of an appeal by the Greens in Western Australia, along with the Liberal Democratic Party, Democratic Labour Party and Family First senators confirmed to The Weekend Australian that they would vote to abolish the carbon and mining taxes.
The LDP's incoming senator David Leyonhjelm said: "I guarantee I'll vote in favour of repealing both of those. I'll vote for any reduction in taxes."