Kevin Who?

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Kevin Who?

Post by babette » Sun Sep 08, 2013 6:53 am

On the Thursday just prior to end of the week of the election, Rudd attempted to insist with an on air interview with 2GB but as Rudd had previously denied numerous interviews with the same media presenter for an interview Rudds offer was ignored.
Karma and poetic justice? ... 6712235945

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Re: Kevin Who?

Post by mantra » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:11 pm

babette wrote:On the Thursday just prior to end of the week of the election, Rudd attempted to insist with an on air interview with 2GB but as Rudd had previously denied numerous interviews with the same media presenter for an interview Rudds offer was ignored.
Karma and poetic justice?
I heard that interview and it was disgusting. 2GB was used as an attack dog on Abbott's behalf. Fordham wouldn't let him get a word out without immediately talking over him in an aggressive manner. Then they cut him off 3 times and inferred that he had hung up. Rudd wasted a lot of time trying to get back through to the interview.

The next day Fordham sucked up to Abbott who would send a snail to sleep. Abbott was asked questions which only required one word answers and couldn't even manage that before his time was up. His stuttering and deep periods of reflection are a serious negative for a leader. If we thought Gillard couldn't communicate - Abbott will be a hundred times worse.

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Re: Kevin Who?

Post by Rorschach » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:21 pm

mantra wrote:
babette wrote:On the Thursday just prior to end of the week of the election, Rudd attempted to insist with an on air interview with 2GB but as Rudd had previously denied numerous interviews with the same media presenter for an interview Rudds offer was ignored.
Karma and poetic justice?
I heard that interview and it was disgusting. 2GB was used as an attack dog on Abbott's behalf. Fordham wouldn't let him get a word out without immediately talking over him in an aggressive manner. Then they cut him off 3 times and inferred that he had hung up. Rudd wasted a lot of time trying to get back through to the interview.

The next day Fordham sucked up to Abbott who would send a snail to sleep. Abbott was asked questions which only required one word answers and couldn't even manage that before his time was up. His stuttering and deep periods of reflection are a serious negative for a leader. If we thought Gillard couldn't communicate - Abbott will be a hundred times worse.
bias bias bias rot rot rot crap crap crap....

Fordham had an ongoing invitation for Rudd going since the election began and his staff kept on asking only to be given 5 minutes at a last minute during the campaign... unfortunately Fordham had an invited guest on at the time. The PMs office agreed to a later time and guess what it was another huge 5 minute hit. this time from a moving vehicle which funnily enough kept dropping out... so Kev gave the leading talkback radio station in NSW all of 3 minutes... with the softest commentator on the station. Big fail Kevin. BTW mantra you clould hear the line drop out... tinfoil hat too tight for you?

Rudd wouldn't answer the questions and kept waffling whilst ben had to keep trying to get him to answer the questions as they only had 5 minutes. So much for rudeness and interjecting mantra.

If Kevin didn't keep calling back I'd suspect he kept hanging up deliberately. To avoid the hard questions.
If you cant address reality or tell reality from your dystopian political bias find a fantasy site or topic to comment on.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Kevin Who?

Post by Rorschach » Sun Sep 08, 2013 12:29 pm

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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