I think they think that if they believe/write it enough, it must be true, and will happen?

re- the following article from Christian Kerr.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6682805681
Reality check, Tony Abbott would have to rape his neighbours dog in full view of the Australian public before voters would consider giving Labor another crack at it.
Sure, they may win a few more seats than they would have had they not changed their leadership, mostly due to a cluster of ALP sweetened QLD voters come suddenly smitten again with their white haired boy, Rudd, but the reality is, the rest of our nation could care less and have even less time for Labors celebrity hungry sideshow of recycled circus clowns/freaks full stop.
As for Christian Kerr from the Australians sentiments.....pffft... he was always a Turnbull fanboy.

Recall his sentiments re- John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull as being a more suitable candidate back in 2004?
http://www.crikey.com.au/2004/08/11/chr ... -turnbull/
And at a Family first convention.......
Back in 2007, Chris Kerr (Under Malcolm Turnbulls instruction) was encouraging Labor to preference "Family First" claimed doing so would yield a more favourable government if both family First and the Greens equally held the balance of power in the senate.Hmm!

http://www.crikey.com.au/2007/09/26/why ... ily-first/
Chris Kerr needs to polish Turnbulls ah eeer, image a little more before denouncing Abbott a lost cause just yet I think.

I cant stand divisive party wreckers and turncoats.