IQS.RLOW wrote:After the hacking off of the head in London and rioting by Muslim youth immigrants in Sweden, is it time Islam as an ideology is outlawed?
Islam is not a religion, it is a political and personal ideology that cannot be separated. No more mosques, no refugee status and take no more of these human filth.
I said 20 years ago or more "sooner or later, these characters [mainly Lebanese muslims] will give us no choice but to run them out of the country. If it was up to me, I'd drive them out into the desrt with cattle dogs, and then ask them which muslim country they'd like to go to, because they can't stay here."
It just so happens in my ancestry is a Pashtoon camel driver (called 'Afgans') brought to Oz from northern India [now pakistan] by the Brits 150 years or more ago, so it's quite likely I'm distantly related to the Taliban. And I say those fighting Taliban in Afganistan are kidding themselves if they ever think they're going to win, unless they wipe their
@)$# on the Geneva conventions of war, go into Waziristan and extermine the Pashtoon tribes. If you let them breed, Jihadis will be around for a generation or so yet.
Truth is, I think/speculate/prognosticate that eventually humanity will have to outlaw religion altogether. And put the texts from such entities on the shelf with mythology, so it can be studied, but not used for political influence or persuasion.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?