mantra wrote:The Greens like any other party gets its share of dodgey characters. From a former Qld police sargeant and Goss Labor pollie trying to continue his political career, to an ineffectual former DIO operative and compulsive liar using candidacy as an excuse to hob nob with officials ect.
But then the Nationals had to disendorse a member who'd been photographed wearing a nazi swastika armband a few years ago, and Senator Eric Abetz had to defend his honour when his father's Nazi Party affiliation [or membership] was publicly announced.
You would think a candidate only gets endorsed after a police check. Judging by the actions of some of our politicians over the years - a few of them must have had charges laid against them in their youth.
Yes, you'd think .. but I remember trying to get Qld Greens state council to do just that, despite the Qld Greens constitution stipulating that criminal history and financial solvency checks are a standard prerequisit for potential candidates to comply with Electoral Commission rules.
I watched an ALP saboteur plant running as a Greens candidate pretend to get sucked into a Nigerian 411 computer scam presented with a Chinese/Taiwanese theme as a fall back, and then destroy his own supposed campaign by remaining inebriated during the campaign period.
mantra wrote:And to make matters worse, I was put on trial for belting a home invader in the head with a mattock handle at a Greens candidate's residence.
Was the case dismissed for lack of evidence?
No. We went to Gin Gin police station earlier that day informing them we intended to repossess a solar power system the borrower had sold the inverter from and was trying to sell the PV panels from, so that he couldn't sell them .. 'possession being 9/10ths of the law', and the bank loan to purchase being the other 10th ... but Gin Gin jacks weren't interested.
I said "OK .. but don't be surprised if there's big dramas tonight".
We took the remainder of the solar system and hid it at an associates place, and then I put fresh batteries and a tape in a voice activated tape recorder near the back door of her house.
The thief turned up at about 8:30 pm to do his stand over demanding the solar system back. The owner can be heard 4 times (on tape) telling him to "Go away". He got to intimidating, so she retreated back into the house. While trying to lock the door he forced it open. I could hear the {glass sliding} door scratching back and forth over stones in the track as the fought over the door.
I got up thinking "This glass is going to get smashed and someone's going to get cut" .. as I approached the door from the side, he tore the door off the track, stapped into the house saying "I'm gunna ..."
I don't actually know what he thought he was going to do, but I wasn't going to give him time to do it. So I tapped him with the mattock handle, which got him crankier, so I cracked him on the crown and knocked him out. He went to Gin Gin hospital and got 16 stitches for 2 splits/openings/injuries.
South Kolan jacks being good upright standing National party members (except when they steal fridges from community halls) decided that taping the incident was proof or evidence of a 'man trap' .. the pretext being I set him up so I could assault him.
The trial lasted 10 months, and in late 2004 the District Court of Queensland threw the Qld Criminal Code away by legalising home invasion in Queensland and outlawing self defense.
I got 280 hours community service.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?