Budget reply
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Re: Budget reply
Incompetence? 500 Bills through both houses, major reforms. In between, alone among developed economies we:
1. Did not go into recession when the GFC hit
2. Grew the economy 15% since 2007
3. Low inflation, interest and unemployment
A lot of this done from minority govt, a hostile Senate at times.
Some of this is due to the govt running Budget deficits and deficits are what is called for right now, deficits meaning the private sector receives more money from the public sector than it pays back as tax and charges. This helps the private sector rebuild its balance sheets, building up savings (savings ratio of 10%) and paying off mortgages, other loans, credit cards etc.
roach obviously can’t tell fact from fiction, from propaganda.
Introduced Plain Packaging, paid parental leave etc etc. Building the NBN, investing in roads and other infrastructure, education, health etc etc.
While initially unsure and inexperienced in foreign affairs on her recent official visit to china negotiated agreements that are like no other country has bar the US and Japan. A stunning foreign affairs coup! Similarly, we now have a Regional Asylum Seeker Processing Centre being built by PNG, just from her recent trip to PNG.
If that is incompetent govt I hope and believe we will get another 3 years of it.
1. Did not go into recession when the GFC hit
2. Grew the economy 15% since 2007
3. Low inflation, interest and unemployment
A lot of this done from minority govt, a hostile Senate at times.
Some of this is due to the govt running Budget deficits and deficits are what is called for right now, deficits meaning the private sector receives more money from the public sector than it pays back as tax and charges. This helps the private sector rebuild its balance sheets, building up savings (savings ratio of 10%) and paying off mortgages, other loans, credit cards etc.
roach obviously can’t tell fact from fiction, from propaganda.
Introduced Plain Packaging, paid parental leave etc etc. Building the NBN, investing in roads and other infrastructure, education, health etc etc.
While initially unsure and inexperienced in foreign affairs on her recent official visit to china negotiated agreements that are like no other country has bar the US and Japan. A stunning foreign affairs coup! Similarly, we now have a Regional Asylum Seeker Processing Centre being built by PNG, just from her recent trip to PNG.
If that is incompetent govt I hope and believe we will get another 3 years of it.
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Re: Budget reply
Tonight I announce 4 years of budget surpluses 

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
- Rorschach
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Re: Budget reply
Jovial_Monk wrote:Incompetence? 500 Bills through both houses, major reforms. In between, alone among developed economies we: yes incompetence want me to list it?![]()
1. Did not go into recession when the GFC hit did not hit us booby...
2. Grew the economy 15% since 2007 would have grown anyway... mining boom you know.
3. Low inflation, interest and unemployment hahaha you goober, we should have been much better off and real unemployment figures would be 10% or more nationally
A lot of this done from minority govt, a hostile Senate at times. Yet the Libs passed the vast majority of the bills...
Some of this is due to the govt running Budget deficits and deficits are what is called for right now, deficits meaning the private sector receives more money from the public sector than it pays back as tax and charges. This helps the private sector rebuild its balance sheets, building up savings (savings ratio of 10%) and paying off mortgages, other loans, credit cards etc.
roach obviously can’t tell fact from fiction, from propaganda.![]()
Introduced Plain Packaging,affects hardly anyone paid parental leave Libs is far more generous, etc etc. Building the NBN, investing in roads and other infrastructure, education, health etc etc. most early infrastructure spending was already set in motion by the Coalition b4 it lost
While initially unsure and inexperienced in foreign affairs on her recent official visit to china negotiated agreements that are like no other country has bar the US and Japan. A stunning foreign affairs coup!Similarly, we now have a Regional Asylum Seeker Processing Centre being built by PNG, just from her recent trip to PNG.
If that is incompetent govt I hope and believe we will get another 3 years of it.

just for you I will post THE FACTS Monkey Boy.
Oh and only a moron would vote these boobs back in and make us suffer another 3 years of incompetent bad government.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
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Re: Budget reply
http://laborswaste.tumblr.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
It's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy...
want more Monkey Boy?

https://twitter.com/Labor_Waste" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;The Little Book of Big Labor Waste
The Coalition has today released an updated version of The Little Book of Big Labor Waste, which lists the worst examples of Labor waste and mismanagement since the overnight coup that installed Julia Gillard as Prime Minister.
The updated version includes an extra ten examples from the 50 provided in the original booklet, which was released in November last year.
The fact that an updated booklet could be released just months after the original just demonstrates the level of waste and mismanagement that continues under this Government.
Remaining at the top of the list is the massive multi-billion dollar blow out in the immigration portfolio thanks to Labor’s failed border protection policies. This is closely followed by the $3.2 billion blow out in the NBN roll-out.
New examples in the book include Labor’s reckless $158 million, 15 year lease of the “Nishi Building” for the Department of Climate Change, the failed $16 million Teach Next scheme, and the $5 million plus advertising campaign for the Schoolkids bonus and the so called promotional “school kids kits”.
Labor has junked its budget surplus promise in favour of retaining its commitment to out of control spending.
Labor has no plans to bring the budget under control or repay the debt. Under Labor, there are only prospects for more deficits, more debt and more waste and mismanagement.
What Labor does best is rack-up debt through waste and mismanagement - it’s in their DNA. The only way to stop Labor’s waste and pay back the debt is to change the Government.
A copy of the booklet can be found here: The Little Book of Big Labor Waste
ETS and NBN define Labor's incompetence
Terry McCrann •
Herald Sun •
August 19, 2010 10:34PM
KEVIN Rudd set a new benchmark in his short time in the top job. He became the first prime minister who was actually worse than Gough Whitlam.
Indeed, his colleagues seemed to agree, as he also became the first prime minister sacked by his "mates" before being allowed to contest a second election.
The list of failures was impressive. From the relatively small and pointlessly tokenistic, like FuelWatch and Grocery Watch, to the ones that cost taxpayers big dollars like pink batts and school buildings, to the catch-all, fatuous celebrity talkfest.
But the two that really defined Rudd's record incompetence were the ETS and the NBN.
Except for one vote in the Liberal Party room, the Emissions Trading Scheme would be a "big new tax on everything", legislated and in place and ready to go. It guaranteed utterly pointless pain after the Copenhagen summit flopped.
And the National Broadband Network went from $12 billion to $43 billion in the space of a plane ride Rudd shared with Communications Minister Stephen Conroy.
The conversation must have gone something like this. Prime minister: "The $12 billion network isn't viable; nobody has even entered a bid to build it. OK, let's go for something much grander and put it all on the national credit card! What's an extra $43 billion when the budget deficit's already gone to $57 billion."
So, that was then, and this is now. Julia Gillard wants to "move forward", but there are two big problems with that.
First, it wasn't just Rudd to blame. Gillard was one of the Gang of Four that took all the big decisions, or validated the ones made in a plane. There's a seamless continuity between the Rudd-Gillard government and the Gillard-Swan one.
SECOND, Gillard now personally and directly owns the $43 billion "good idea in a plane" NBN. That's if it only costs that much. Who knows what it will blow out to: $60 billion? $80 billion?
She could have said, she should have said: "We will re-assess the project. We will put it through the normal basic cost-benefits tests".
Instead she said: if it's good enough for Kevin, it's good enough for me. The biggest spend in our history, completely without analysis, which of course makes a complete mockery of all the carrying on about costing election promises.
Will this $300 million promise actually cost a horrific $400 million? Never mind the $43 billion (will it rise to $60 billion?) we are blindly committed to spending on the NBN budget. And we could be building the mother of all white elephants, because of advances in wireless broadband.
Then there's the ETS or carbon tax lurking in Gillard's cupboard. Yes, she's promised not to go back to it before 2013. But she's still a believer and also a monumental hypocrite.
Before Copenhagen, she was arguing we had to have the ETS/carbon tax, no matter what the rest of the world did. Now she's said she's waiting on the world.
At the same time she still wants to impose it; but only after a "community consensus", which will be appropriately massaged to the "right result".
The one certainty about Saturday is that the Greens will hold the balance of power in the Senate.
The question then becomes, who do you want the Greens to partner: Labor or the Coalition? To drag a Labor government further to the Left, or to force a Coalition government closer to the centre.

It's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy...
want more Monkey Boy?

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
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Re: Budget reply
Wassup monk?
Got nothin'?

Got nothin'?

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
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Re: Budget reply
You see nothing one eye is shut and the other disfunctional.
You need to try harder.
Anytime you feel like replying to the facts give it a go... they won't go away.
hell I'll even post them again and again if you like.
You need to try harder.
Anytime you feel like replying to the facts give it a go... they won't go away.
hell I'll even post them again and again if you like.

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
- Rorschach
- Posts: 14801
- Joined: Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:25 pm
Re: Budget reply
Monk says Abbott is wrong nothing is wrong with the economy.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/money/federal-bu ... z2Tygh2C78" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson says mining boom over and future Budgets face challenges
* by: Jessica Irvine, National Economics Editor
* From: news.com.au
* May 22, 2013 8:22AM
THE true state of the nation's finances will be revealed in a Treasury estimate of the budget deficit which strips out the boost from Australia's once in a century commodities boom.
In a budget warning, Treasury Secretary Martin Parkinson yesterday said Australia faced a "challenging" task to bring the budget back to surplus now the commodity price boom was at an end.
"We have a gap between what the community expects of government and frankly what government is able to deliver," Dr Parkinson said.
The Opposition leader, Tony Abbott, says Australia faces a "budget emergency".
Dr Parkinson agreed that action is needed to restore the health of the budget before the ageing of the population put more pressure on spending.
"It's not a dire situation and nobody should ever suggest that it is, but it is something that needs to be addressed and the earlier we address it... the easier it is to deal with the challenge," he said.
Treasury will this week release an estimate of Australia's "structural budget balance".
This will reveal the size of the budget deficit if commodity prices were at their historical average. It will show the extent to which the mining boom is hiding structural flaws in the budget.
Government spending per person had tripled since the early 1970s, Dr Parkinson said, growing at the same pace as the economy and staying at around 24 per cent of GDP.
But tax receipts had fallen below their long term average thanks to falling commodity prices, a higher dollar, the end of the housing boom and a profit squeeze on domestic firms.
Conditions in the non-mining sector were "not much better" than the recession of the early 1990s, he said.
Dr Parkinson defended the budget forecasts against allegations they had been manipulated by the Treasurer to look overly optimistic.
"Let me be very clear: Treasury does not provide the Government with a range of numbers; Treasury provides its best professional estimate to the Government," he said.
Dr Parkinson called for a "mature debate" about tax, but refused to answer a question on whether the GST should be included in any tax review by an Abbott government.
"It is the case that we have to have a much more sensible discussion," he said.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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