JULIA Gillard says all Australians will have to shoulder the burden of new structural savings in the upcoming federal budget, declaring all options will be on the table - even those previously ruled out - to plug a growing revenue hole.
Confirming a $12 billion write-down of tax revenue forecasts this financial year, the Prime Minister said the May 14 budget would not be a typical pre-election budget night.
She said the revenue slump wasn't predicted even a few months ago, and there would be no return to the revenue peaks of the mining boom to rescue the budget.
But the government's school funding and disability reforms would not be jeopardised by cutting the budget to the bone, Ms Gillard said.
“So the way we proceed with these investments is to fund new structural spending with new structural savings,” she told the Per Capita think tank in Canberra today.
“Guiding us as we make these decisions is the key principle of burden-sharing.”
We will be paying for Labor incompetency for a very long time no matter who wins the September election.
The only idiots who couldn't predict a revenue slump were Gillard and Swan. Meanwhile we are paying interest of $20 million per day to cover their reckless spending.
Cutting foreign aid, especially to Indonesia, should be a priority.
Basically what we have is the ALP taking the high end of treasury forecasts, keeping up their massive spending and then claiming "oh, we have a revenue problem" so we will keep up the spending and you lot are going to pay...
Fuck these useless pricks.
That agent should have snapped her fucking neck when he had the chance.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
Can you hear that rhythmic thumping coming from Canberra, slowly building intensity, getting louder?
That's ALP backbenchers and members slowly beating their heads against a brick wall as they watch their primary vote drop to 25% or lower unable to understand the political and fiscal incompetence of the leaders of the ALP, but not having enough spine to toss the incompetents.
Not to worry, the Australian people will do it for them and its going to be the biggest political wipeout in history. Gillard will be remembered for destroying any hope for a future ALP govt if the ALP ends up still existing.
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia
How everyone saw the condescending ranga excuse their shitty economic management
Paul Murray nails this useless bitch.
Who the fuck do these simpletons have advising them that a supposed prime minister can think that they can dribble this kind of bullshit and think its going to be swallowed?
"John"? Are you fucking kidding? Dear fucking god. No wonder the economy is looking like shit. I wouldn't be surprised when we find out a bunch of ALP insiders has managed to fuck off with billions of our dollars
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia