Obama's speech to congress.

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JW Frogen
Posts: 2034
Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:41 am

Re: Obama's speech to congress.

Post by JW Frogen » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:46 pm

Go ahead Tom and Posteir, regail me with tails of your detailed knowledge of Keynesianism and how that will make the great and mighty Wizard Obama's dreams come true.

I doubt I will learn anything about economics but I may find out about a Stawman.

And a Tinman, perhaps even a Cowardly Lion.


Re: Obama's speech to congress.

Post by Postul8 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:41 pm

JW Frogen wrote:Go ahead Tom and Posteir, regail me with tails of your detailed knowledge of Keynesianism and how that will make the great and mighty Wizard Obama's dreams come true.

I doubt I will learn anything about economics but I may find out about a Stawman.

And a Tinman, perhaps even a Cowardly Lion.
Wasted on you, Frogwart. Try Wiki. It'll tell you all you're likely to believe.


Re: Obama's speech to congress.

Post by whaasup » Tue Mar 03, 2009 7:35 am

Keynesian economics is soo last year.

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JW Frogen
Posts: 2034
Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:41 am

Re: Obama's speech to congress.

Post by JW Frogen » Wed Mar 04, 2009 1:09 pm

One thing you may want to consider about Roosevelt’s use of Keynesian models (which many economists argue did not end the Great Depression but rather prolonged it) is that he was borrowing and spending when America was an emerging economic power with growing trade surpluses, (prior to the crises), debt was owed to her from other countries and the US was becoming the dominant manufacturing power, so the money borrowed could quickly be returned to the treasury from within the US economy once it kicked back into gear.

The US of Obama is a debtor nation with declining manufacturing and huge trade deficits, (before the crises), the money Obama is spending is being borrowed (in theory at least) from China and the US economy even in it’s 80s and 90s boom could not pay it back, there is no indication from the American economy it will, after this storm, be abe to generate enough growth to pay the money back, so Obama’s borrowing is really from American children’s future, he is selling them even further into Chinese debt.

Some economists would argue it would be better to spend the money on alleviating the pain (minimally) but allowing prices to fall to a natural level, the economy to represent the real price of assets, then business will buy, hire and kick start growth again, along with a national investment strategy to find ways to increase American competitiveness in trade.

Not just throwing a ton of borrowed money out there everywhere, crossing your fingers and hoping it works, worrying about the bills decades latter.

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